Sunday 4 March 2012

Team Roles

  In a team meeting, various members take on roles to ensure the meeting stays organized and efficient.  The following are must haves:

Facilitator:  A facilitator is like a chair.  The facilitator makes sure the meeting process runs smoothly and controls the pace of the meeting.  If the team goes off topic, the facilitator ensures it returns back to the business at hand.  The facilitator also is responsible to book the meeting room, prepare and distribute the agenda to everyone participating before the meeting date and confirming and obtaining any supplies required.   

 Scribe:  A scribe takes notes on white boards or pad sheets during the meeting.  The scribe also notes ideas or issues on to a 'parking lot' so they can be discussed at future meetings if they are not relevant to the present topic.  Padboards give a visual as to what is happening and being discussed. 

  Notetaker:  A notetaker takes minutes of the meeting and is responsible to distribute to all members, even if they were absent.  The distribution of the minutes of course would be shortly after the meeting either the same day or one or two days later. 

  Timer:  A timer watches the time during the meeting and keeps the facilitator informed of excess time or if time is running out.  Without a timer, a whole meeting could be spent on one topic instead of everything on the agenda. 

  All functions are important to be sure meetings are effective and something gets accomplished. 
  Do you feel, I have the right roles?  Do you think I am missing any?  If so, let me know by just sending me a comment. 

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