Tuesday 6 March 2012

Running A Great Meeting

  Included are some video clips to the right of how others feel a great meeting should be run, as well as some funny commercials.  To run a great meeting you need a great team.  
  What I feel makes a great team are:
  • Team Goals/Expectations
  • Commitment to Improvements and Resolutions
  • Good Listening Skills
  • Good Communication
  • Good Team Behaviours
  • Equal Participation
  • Established Ground Rules
  • Clear Defined Decision Processes
  To conclude, I would like to say, I have noted down what I feel is needed to create and run a great meeting.  I am sure many of you have your own ideas or suggestions.  Please feel free to share so that others may benefit. 

1 comment:

  1. Boy you sure know a lot of this stuff
