Monday 5 March 2012

Problem Solving/Resolving Issues

  The most important part of a meeting, of course, is to solve problems/resolve issues, since that is why a team was created.  How is this done?

  a).  First, the problem/issue needs to be identified
         -> Why is it a problem?
         -> How does it affect others?
         -> Try to analyze possible causes.

  b).   Brain storm possible solutions
          -> Many ways to do this

   c).   Finally develop an Action Plan
           ->  Select brainstorm idea(s) that are possible to accomplish
           ->  Identify steps to take
           ->  Identify or assign primeships

     d).  Review Action Plan
            ->  As work is being done check to see if the impact of the solution is appropriate
            ->  Make changes if required

  Brainstorming can be done in many ways.  It can be done, as individuals or in groups.  The important thing to remember in brainstorming is to never judge any ideas and the more selection of ideas to choose from the better.  The ones that would be difficult to be actioned can be eliminated afterwards.  
  Solving the problems/resolving the issues can take a short period of time or a lengthy period of time.  It all depends on the number of steps required to reach the conclusion. 

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