All teams should establish ground rules or team expectations to encourage positive team behaviours to make the most out of every meeting.
The following would be suggestions I would recommend having in the ground rules:
1. Attendance:
- Not all members have to be present, however there has to be at least half plus 1 to constitute enough to conduct a meeting
- The absent member(s) will be brought up to date by the facilitator.
- On time is the start of the meeting
- The meeting will start even if all members are not present.
- If a short period of the meeting is missed by a member, they will be caught up briefly when they come in.
- If a person missed a long period of the meting, that person will be brought up to date on a break or immediately if the discussion will continue during the rest of the meeting.
- Members are to let another member know when they will be late.
Equal Opportunity:
- If a person is repeating, monopolizing, interrupting, engaging in side conversations, or offending, it is up to the facilitator to intervene. Each member will respect the views and sensitivities of others.
- Members can leave a meeting in a situation of importance.
- Members should notify the Facilitator as soon as possible if they are aware they will not be able to complete their assignments/tasks.
Meeting Role Assignments:
- Roles will be rotated on a volunteer basis. At the end of each meeting volunteers will be solicited for roles at the next meeting.
Decision Making:
- Consensus by all members and if unable to obtain consensus then majority rules.
- Depending on the problems or issues, the team may decide that anything said or done during a team meeting is strictly confidential.
- Should be distributed to the members 2-3 days after the meeting.
Agenda Process:
- Submit requests for agenda topics or additions at least 5 days prior to a meeting.
- Agenda will be distributed at least 3 days prior to a meeting.
Review of Ground Rules:
- At the beginning of a meeting whenever:
~ A new member joins the team;
~ A guest is participating in the meeting;
~ After every 5 meetings as a quick overview.
So, what do you think about my ground rules recommendations? Have I missed anything? Should I change anything? Of course, ground rules does depend on the team and it's purpose, however I feel mine cover all teams universally.