Wednesday, 29 February 2012

The Right People and Getting them Together

   To have a great meeting, you have to have the right people on the team.  You need to have represtatives with ideas for changes, representatives that changes would affect and of course representatives that can help initiate, bring about or implement changes. 
   How would these team members be chosen?  There are many ways of getting the right team members together.  You could assign people to the team; you could ask for volunteers or you could have peers nominate who they feel would be the best candidates.  What do you feel is the best method?  No method is incorrect only some take longer than others.  As well, you have to decide how many members the team should have.  Of course, the more members there are, the more the work can be divided and finished more quickly.  As well, though, the more members on a team the more ideas which may lengthen the time on deciding what to do.  However, a smaller team would be more effective and efficient.    
   Once the participants/members of the team are chosen, then they should all be invited to the first meeting.  Again this can be done in many ways, such as face to face, phone call, email, etc.  A room should be reserved and any equipment required, such as overhead, computer connections, pens, paper, etc should be ordered or booked so that no time will be wasted for materials. 

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